A prescriptive approach to movement, tailored just for you.

At Amovida, Personal Training or One to One Yoga is a bespoke journey crafted just for you.

Our trainers are considered some of the best in the UK. Dedicated to understanding your unique goals, preferences, likes, dislikes and movement skill, they craft a tailored plan that incorporates our innovative 3D Movement approach as well as any traditional strength training or sports/injury specific work that is necessary.

We focus on building strength and enhancing flexibility in all planes of motion, all ranges of movement and even odd positions. We want you to improve your overall well-being and mental health, so we ensure every session is both challenging and rewarding.

With one-on-one attention, we adapt to your pace and progress both during the session and in preparing for the next one. If we need to throw a whole session out the window because you’ve come in tired or with a niggle, so be it. This is BESPOKE training and YOUR time. No two clients are the same, so no two people ever get the same workout. If we need to spend 10 hours researching a new injury, we will do it because, in the words of L’Oreal… YOU’RE WORTH IT!

In our supportive and motivating environment, Personal Training at Amovida is more than exercise; it's a transformative experience designed to empower you physically and mentally on your fitness journey.

Our trainers have specific specialities and we may recommend one person over another so that you receive the best advice and care possible.

Book a Personal Training or 1:1 Yoga Intro Pack from the menu below and see for yourself the Amovida difference.