Amovida's Group Exercise Classes

Where fitness is redefined with our unique 3D Movement philosophy.

Our classes are more than just workouts; they're experiences that cater to your body's multidimensional nature, ensuring resilience and adaptability.

With a focus on Movement Efficiency, we make fitness accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of age, gender, body type or ability. Our small class sizes guarantee personalised guidance from our nationally recognised instructors.

Whether you're pushing limits or taking it easy, Amovida is your space to strengthen, move, and grow in every direction, including confidence! Join us for a transformative journey that's not just effective, but also a whole lot of fun!

Signature Classes

Hit the arrow to view each class description

Group Active

  • Group Active® is a diverse one-hour workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, builds total-body strength, and enhances Movement Health for daily life. Inspiring music and professional coaching will ensure you succeed with a wide variety of innovative and athletic exercises using dumbbells, body weight, and The STEP®. ACTIVATE YOUR LIFE!

ViPR 3D30

  • 3D30® revolutionizes your whole body using the ground-breaking science of Loaded Movement Training. This three-dimensional experience integrates strength, cardio, and mobility training to build an unbreakable body that performs like an athlete. Dynamic music drives the energetic 30-minute workout that includes high-intensity interval training. GET 3D STRONG!

Group Centergy

  • Grow longer and stronger with Group Centergy®, an invigorating 60-minute mind-body workout. It incorporates yoga and Pilates fundamentals with athletic training for strength, balance, mobility, and flexibility. Emotive music drives the experience as you breathe and sweat through this full-body movement journey. REDEFINE YOUR SELF.

Group Core

  • Group Core®, gives you three-dimensional strength in 30 action-packed minutes. A stronger core, from your shoulders to your hips, improves athletic performance and enhances Movement Health. Expert coaching and motivating music will push you through a wide variety of innovative exercises that use your body weight, weight plates, The STEP®, and a towel. GET HARD CORE!

Group Power

  • Group Power® is a one-hour, cutting-edge strength training workout designed to get you muscle strong and movement strong. It combines traditional strength training with full-body, innovative exercises using an adjustable barbell, weight plates, body weight, The STEP®, heart-pounding music, and expert coaching. GET MUSCLE & MOVEMENT STRONG!

TRX Yoga & Flexibility

  • Elevate your flexibility and find balance with TRX Yoga and Flexibility. This unique fusion of yoga and suspension training enhances your strength, balance, and core stability. Unwind, lengthen, and strengthen in a peaceful yet invigorating 45-minute session. Achieve harmony in both body and mind with TRX Yoga and Flexibility.

TRX Strength

  • Build an unbeatable body that performs like an athlete. TRX, which stands for Total Resistance Exercise, is a versatile suspension training system that utilizes your body weight and gravity to build strength, stability, and flexibility. In this class, you'll engage in a series of high-intensity exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The adjustable TRX straps allow you to control the resistance, making it suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced participants.


  • Embark on a journey to unwind, lengthen your muscles, and find tranquility within your body, through a series of dynamic and static stretching movements which target every major muscle group. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve performance, someone seeking relief from everyday tension, or simply interested in enhancing your overall well-being, Stretchonomics has something for everyone.

Yin & Tonic

  • Indulge in relaxation and rejuvenation with our Yin & Tonic class. This unique session blends traditional yin yoga with an after class social gathering, creating a perfect Friday evening experience. Unwind, socialize, and enjoy gentle movements that promote flexibility, stress relief, and overall well-being. Discover the perfect balance of relaxation and social motion with Yin & Tonic.

Mat Barre Fusion

  • This one of a kind class, is a beautiful and harmonious blend of ballet, pilates and yoga. Our 60 minute mat based workout is designed to work your core, plus improve flexibility whilst empowering your body and mind.